Unclear on the "Concept"

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Concept Store?This sandwich board caught my eye as I was running down the street to grab lunch — but not necessarily for the right reasons.

It starts out well enough, albeit in a smoldering shade of green. Catchy name evoking adventure and excitement? Check. Nifty tagline? Sure. "Clothing that moves from fitness to fashion," I get it. But then it gets into marketingspeak territory and never re-emerges.

the concept concept

Because while "fitness" and "yoga" are pretty down-to-earth terms that make sense to normal humans, "lifestyle" doesn't really mean anything (we all have lifestyles; some are healthier than others; even total couch potatoes with a three-pack-a-day habit have lifestyles, just not for as long!).

But the worst offender? "Concept." Why does that need to be on here? What does it communicate, other than "We hired a consultant?"

I don't mean to single out this store; I'm sure it has very nice things. But the word "concept", when it has to do with selling things, should be relegated to the behind-the-scenes meetings, not thrust in customers faces.

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