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I bet she gets tired of being called the "High-Tech Nun"

In an era when it seems that religion and technology cause more problems than they solve, it's inspiring to read about a woman who embodies the best possibilities of both. This San Francisco Chronicle story profiles Sister Patsy Harvey, a nun who works with inner-city kids in San Francisco and helps them learn computer skills. Harvey says that her order "didn't want us to be in a monastery but wanted us to be out on the streets. I feel like my work really mirrors that, being on the streets, working in housing, going out to the alleys, providing places for neighborhood kids to have access. ... I guess all of Creation is of God, and men and women created technology."

-->"The High Tech Nun", Leslie Guttman, San Francisco Chronicle, May 23, 2004, http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi? f=/chronicle/a/2004/05/23/CMGON6BADJ1.DTL