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May 25, 2004

I bet she gets tired of being called the "High-Tech Nun"

In an era when it seems that religion and technology cause more problems than they solve, it's inspiring to read about a woman who embodies the best possibilities of both. This San Francisco Chronicle story profiles Sister Patsy Harvey, a nun who works with inner-city kids in San Francisco and helps them learn computer skills. Harvey says that her order "didn't want us to be in a monastery but wanted us to be out on the streets. I feel like my work really mirrors that, being on the streets, working in housing, going out to the alleys, providing places for neighborhood kids to have access. ... I guess all of Creation is of God, and men and women created technology."

-->"The High Tech Nun", Leslie Guttman, San Francisco Chronicle, May 23, 2004, http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi? f=/chronicle/a/2004/05/23/CMGON6BADJ1.DTL

May 7, 2004


Via the blog mention in the previous entry I learned about Misbehaving.net, a collaborative blog which is "a celebration of women's contributions to computing; a place to spotlight women's contributions as well point out new opportunities and challenges for women in the computing field." It looks like it's going to be fun to read, too, and has a wonderfully long blogroll...

--> www.misbehaving.net

Gender & Computing Blog from Norway

This site is the weblog of a researcher at the Department of Humanistic Informatics in Norway. Recent entries muse on such things as a new Swedish MP3 player designed for women, complete with mirror, which she describes as "example of how technology often is marketed to women as 'other things'... than 'technology.'"

--> huminf.uib.no/~hilde/blog