"Will Work For Food"
The author of this site is a programmer and network administrator living in Baghdad. In this entry, she discusses what her working life was like before the war and what it's like to try to be a working woman in Iraq now fairly close to impossible at the moment.
I'm one of the lucky ones… I'm not important. I'm not vital. Over a month ago, a prominent electrical engineer (one of the smartest females in the country) named Henna Aziz was assassinated in front of her family two daughters and her husband. She was threatened by some fundamentalists from Badir’s Army and told to stay at home because she was a woman, she shouldn't be in charge. She refused the country needed her expertise to get things functioning she was brilliant. She would not and could not stay at home. They came to her house one evening: men with machine-guns, broke in and opened fire. She lost her life she wasn't the first, she won't be the last.
--> riverbendblog.blogspot.com/ 2003_08_01_riverbendblog_archive.html# 106175377049311765