A little about me

I have always loved and appreciated design. An art major and bookworm, I have embraced the possibilities of electronic publishing. I believe that design should be attractive, simple and communicative, getting the reader/user where he or she wants to go. Design is an important part of the message.

Skills & qualifications

  • Extensive background in electronic and print publishing.
  • Passion for good design.
  • Masters-level coursework in interface design and usability testing of websites.
  • Experienced at designing, developing and managing websites and electronic newsletters.
  • Excellent writing, editing and proofreading skills.
  • Proficient on Macintosh, Windows, and Unix platforms in a wide range of software for web and print, including Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Office, and Quark XPress. Familiarity with Fireworks and Flash.
  • Advanced knowledge of standards-based HTML and CSS.
  • Experienced at working with Access and MySQL databases and connecting them to websites; installing and customizing Perl, ASP, and PHP scripts and writing simple ASP and PHP scripts.
  • Comfortable working with content management systems and application service providers.
  • Able to work both independently and in collaboration with others.
  • Always interested in learning something new and eager to study to improve professionally.


Web Content Specialist, University of the Pacific, 2008-present

Working with an XML-based CMS, helped prepare website for launch. Write and edit copy for web pages. Revise architecture of sections as needed. Suggest improvements. Mock up new HTML newsletters and subsites. Work with design team to teach them how to work with XHTML and CSS and think of web design in terms of document structure. Train others how to use the CMS. Run site visitor reports. Manage school's blogs and Twitter feed. Create CSS for Wordpress blogs.

Consultant, 2007-present

Produce printed materials, design concepts, wireframes and websites.

Webmaster/Marketing Associate, Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin & Sonoma Counties, 1999-2007.

Managed a family of websites for major fundraising & planning organization. Grew core website, integrating new sections, content and functionality. Converted popular reference book Resource: Guide to Jewish Life in the Bay Area from static flat-file to database-driven searchable site. Designed database to list Jewish holiday-related information and events. Wrote ASP scripts to integrate content from parent organization into our site. Collaborated with other staff on content and functionality. Updated content and artwork, developed and maintained calendar database for print and web, write scripts, designed new sites and subsites as needed. Edited and proofread marketing copy, ads, newsletters and press releases to conform to style guidelines; quality-checked web pages and HTML newsletters to ensure style consistency, readability and usability. Co-wrote, edited and produced HTML newsletters. Produced postcards, flyers, posters and other printed materials as needed.

Web Site Developer/Graduate Student Researcher at SIMS, 1998–1999.

Developed and maintained web sites for undergraduate courses at U.C. Berkeley. Reorganized project group’s own site. Work included HTML form design, slide scanning, cgi script installation and configuration, and graphics creation/editing.

Consultant to Aldon Computer Group, 1997-1999.

Worked with the marketing department on a number of web-based projects, including installing and configuring a search engine on their Unix web server and modifying its interface, and designing GIF banner ads.

Editor/Webmaster of The Cost of Digital Image Distribution: The Social and Economic Implications of the Production, Distribution and Usage of Image Data, U.C. Berkeley, 1998.

Copyedited report about the Museum Educational Site Licensing Project, coordinated workflow, and designed and managed the project web site.

Production Manager/Coordinator at Home Energy magazine, 1992–1998.

Developed and maintained magazine's web site. Responsible for guiding the non-profit publication through the layout process and to the printer. Proofread and produced the magazine, marketing materials, and reprints. Helped design and typeset brochures and booklets. Typeset, proofread, and helped produce No-Regrets Remodeling, a 222-page guide for homeowners and contractors.


Master of Information Management & Systems, School of Information Management & Systems, University of California, Berkeley, 1999.

B.A., Literature and B.A., Studio Art, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1991.


I study jewelry-making at Textures Studio in Albany, working in metal clay.