
April 13, 2005

BlogHer Conference: July 30, 2005

"BlogHer is a network for women bloggers to draw on for exposure, education, and community. By holding a day-long conference on July 30, 2005, and establishing an online hub, BlogHer is initiating an opportunity for greater visibility, learning and success for individual women bloggers and for the community of bloggers as a whole." The conference will be held in Santa Clara, California. The event is still being put together, so check the site frequently for updates.


June 17, 2004

Conference: Women With Megabyte II

June 21-22, 2004. Sponsored by the U.K. organization WomenConnect, this event explores the role and effective use of ICTs with a gender focus, and will be followed by a one-day workshop on Gender Evaluation Methodology.


October 18, 2003

November 4: Women in Technology: "Building your network to your advantage"

"When it comes to leveraging personal networks to gain career momentum, women in technology face some unique challenges. Our panel of experts are women who have used the power of networking to build communities, gain visibility and become established as experts in their field. Learn techniques to build your confidence and build a network that gets you results."

November 4, 2003, 6 pm - 9 pm, Dublin, CA, $40. Sponsored by eBig, an association of I.T. professionals in the East Bay.

--> More info

December 23, 2002

GraceNet Silicon Valley Anniversary & Awards

This year GraceNet Silicon Valley will celebrate its third anniversary and is planning a big party in March.

GraceNet will also give a "GraceFul Award" for a local woman who exemplifies courage, strength, competency and leadership. Nominations will be accepted in February.

Upcoming speakers and tentative topics:

January 15, 2003, Manifesting Your New's Year's Resolution--Really!,
Sylvia Dolena, Business Innovation Lab

February 12, 2003, Topic TBD, Hispanicnet CEO of the Year 2002, Erika
Williams, Atesto Technologies

March 12, 2003, "Capitalize on Your Unique Intelligence--Part 2, Mary
Jane Ryan, Professional Thinking Partners

April 9, 2003, Topic TBD, Michele Goins, VP of IT, Hewlett-Packard

May 14, 2003, Living Legends Success Stories Workshop, Diana Hartley,

November 9, 2002

WITI 2003 Conference in Silicon Valley

Women In Technology International has announced their 2003 meeting:

WITI's 2003 Silicon Valley Conference
Women Leading Reinvention and Innovation for Technology, Themselves, Their companies
> June 25-26th
New San Jose Marriott
San Jose, California

In addition, they have a bunch of chapter meetings this month:

North Bay November 12
Chicago November 13
Houston November 13
Santa Barbara November 13
Silicon Valley November 14
New York Metro November 14
Portland November 14
Thames Valley November 20
Louisiana December 11

For more information, visit WITI's website.