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December 14, 2003

A Tale of Two Women

An article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution profiles two grandmothers; one just gave up her ditto machine and got online to stay in touch with her extended family... the other is a professional spammer who uses her home network of antiquated PCs to send out tons of ads every day and keep herself out of poverty.

--> "Spam wars play out across Internet", Bill Husted and Ann Hardie, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, www.ajc.com/business/content/ business/1203/14spammain.html

December 3, 2003

"Grant helps fund CMU women in tech initiative"

Carnegie Mellon just got a three-year grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for their new initiative to get more women to enter graduate computer science programs. "The new program -- Women@IT -- will emphasize attracting women who have done their undergraduate work in fields outside of computer science, such as mathematics, biology, physics or psychology." Carnegie Mellon has already had great success with their Women@SCS program, aimed at undergraduate students.

--> "Grant helps fund CMU women in tech initiative", Pittsburgh Business Times, November 24, 2003, www.bizjournals.com/pittsburgh/ stories/2003/11/24/daily1.html

December 1, 2003


How did I miss this one? Netwomen is the site and blog of Tracy Kennedy, a PhD student and instructor in Toronto who focuses on internet use in the home, with a focus on how gender affects it. She started her site "in hopes of drawing a network of women together in the cyber-world - NETWOMEN. We are women who integrate the physical and the virtual, and strive to make technology useful and beneficial for all women. It is neccessary [sic] to recognize to social processes of gender, race, class, sexuality, age and ablism that inform technology." The blog is excellent — in addition to the usual news links, she interviews various techy women by email and posts the interviews. Check it out.

--> www.netwoman.ca