GraceNet Silicon Valley Anniversary & Awards
This year GraceNet Silicon Valley will celebrate its third anniversary and is planning a big party in March.
GraceNet will also give a "GraceFul Award" for a local woman who exemplifies courage, strength, competency and leadership. Nominations will be accepted in February.
Upcoming speakers and tentative topics:
January 15, 2003, Manifesting Your New's Year's Resolution--Really!,
Sylvia Dolena, Business Innovation Lab
February 12, 2003, Topic TBD, Hispanicnet CEO of the Year 2002, Erika
Williams, Atesto Technologies
March 12, 2003, "Capitalize on Your Unique Intelligence--Part 2, Mary
Jane Ryan, Professional Thinking Partners
April 9, 2003, Topic TBD, Michele Goins, VP of IT, Hewlett-Packard
May 14, 2003, Living Legends Success Stories Workshop, Diana Hartley,