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December 23, 2002

GraceNet Silicon Valley Anniversary & Awards

This year GraceNet Silicon Valley will celebrate its third anniversary and is planning a big party in March.

GraceNet will also give a "GraceFul Award" for a local woman who exemplifies courage, strength, competency and leadership. Nominations will be accepted in February.

Upcoming speakers and tentative topics:

January 15, 2003, Manifesting Your New's Year's Resolution--Really!,
Sylvia Dolena, Business Innovation Lab

February 12, 2003, Topic TBD, Hispanicnet CEO of the Year 2002, Erika
Williams, Atesto Technologies

March 12, 2003, "Capitalize on Your Unique Intelligence--Part 2, Mary
Jane Ryan, Professional Thinking Partners

April 9, 2003, Topic TBD, Michele Goins, VP of IT, Hewlett-Packard

May 14, 2003, Living Legends Success Stories Workshop, Diana Hartley,

December 20, 2002

Society of Women Engineers

Founded in 1950, this organization encourages women to become engineers. It offers various conferences, awards, job listings, and a bimonthly journal.

Technical Women's Association

With the economy in free-fall, the government is looking like a more stable place of employment. With that in mind, I present this website. An employee association within the Federation Aviation Administration, TWO is "a community of government employees motivated to advance the number and opportunities of women in technical fields supporting the aviation industry."


December 12, 2002


"Plain-English computer tutorials" from a woman in Australia. Not specifically for women, by any means, this site offers tutorials, hints, and advice for computer users on various subjects, with a focus on Windows XP. A useful reference. I am bookmarking her article Sifting Misinformation and sharing it with everyone who has ever forwarded me that stupid Neiman-Marcus cookie recipe story or an emailed petition...

--> www.geekgirls.com

December 2, 2002


Formerly GirlGeeks.com, reborn as a dot-org thanks to the Bay Area Video Coalition, this organization aims to connect women with computer training classes, jobs, and community. "Even 'after the bubble', the world is a new place, and technology for communication and community-building are more important than ever. We want to ensure that women and other often-overlooked groups have the freedom, motivation and resources to participate in this new world."

--> www.girlgeeks.org